BOYS make y0u FALL in LOVE w/ them


THEY will als0 make y0u FALL int0 PIECES.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Have you ever HATED loving someone?

An article that I written BASED on my experiences WITH him f0r three years and 2 months.
COMMENTS will be APPRECIATED s0 much. Thanks guyz.

The worst thing that can happen to a person when she falls in love with someone else is to regret the choice she has made. You realize the person next to you doesn't suit you and you get to hate YOURSELF for LOVING HIM SO MUCH. Even if each day you try to convince yourself that you have TO LET GO and to try something else your heart doesn't allow you.

Your mind tries to present you all the negative aspects of your RELATIONSHIP, all that you hate about him, all the lonely nights when you didn't stop CRYING, all the days when he promised he wouldn't let you down and all the times when he did. but you can't just stop loving him. you hate yourself for being so weak in front of his charms and there are moments when you pretend you don't know anything and you act as if he were another person. You are the one who BLAMES herself for not having tried to do more for your relationship, when in fact he is the ONLY ONE responsible.

It is not a solution to blame yourself and to feel sorry for your lack of a strong character. You have to take drastic measures. You have to have the courage to say NO. NO to his so-called love, NO to a FALSE RELATIONSHIP that only COUNTS on you. There are moments when in each relationship you feel you hate yourself for loving so much a person, but these moments pass when things go better. But if you get to feel this each day of your life, when you spend the majority of your time CRYING INSTEAD OF LAUGHING then you have questioning what you have next to you or what you should have.

You have to respect yourself MORE, to see what you really deserve, you have to ACCEPT the FACT : "y0u'd better be ALONE than with a pers0n that DOESN'T deserve you."

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